Sunday, April 8, 2012

Drive to Dharmasthala Part III

Stairs to get to the Statue

One among the five monolithic statues in Karnataka…around 40 feet high…Another one being carved in Gujarat…any guesses?

The Gomateshwara Bahubali (Dharmasthala), is the 3rd tallest in Karnataka and a sacred place of the Jains. Apparently every 12 years the town would celebrate a festival called the Masthabisheka where the believers would anoint the statue with milk, turmeric, rice powder and sandalwood. 

Built out of a single stone  fifty-seven feet high. According to history the giant image was carved in 981 A.D., by order of Chavundaraya, the minister of the Ganga King Rachamalla. 

It is also believed that Bahubali stood motionless in meditation for years, until creepers grew around his limbs and mole hills grew over his body giving shelter to cobras.

     The other sculptural and architectural contribution of Chavundaraya is the Yaksha Kamba that you can spot infront of the statue.

The History


Mahamasthabhishkam of Lord Gomateshwara


And that's how my trip ended....

Written and edited by 
Laveena Dsouza

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